Porsche Club of America (PCA) - Potomac Region

Online registration and event management service for motorsport events provided by MotorsportReg.com  
Event Registration Provided by

OG Racing
Official Sponsor of the
PCA Potomac Drivers' Education Program

Please carefully read in full the Summit Point Rules and Regulations. A few key points are summarized below. This information supplements the standard Potomac Driver Education Rules for Summit Point Raceway for Summit Point Main, Shenandoah, and Jefferson Circuits.


Summit Point Motorsports Park asks that you not call them directly.  If you have any questions or requests that are not addressed below, please contact the track at trackcoodinator@pcapotomac.org.


Open at 6:00 pm the day before the event, close at 7:00 pm last day of the event.

Stop at the Main Gate for electrical hookups.

Overnight camping is restricted to the paddock.


The speed limit is “walking speed” within the paddock confines. We will strictly enforce this and will not tolerate dangerous driving or excess speed. You may sacrifice personal track time if you are observed violating appropriate paddock behavior.


Drivers and operators of all motorized vehicles including motorcycles, any type of ATV, golf carts, scooters, etc. must hold a valid state driver’s license. This is a state law as well as Summit Point policy.  Everyone operating a motorized vehicle must do so safely and responsibly.  Reckless operation or disregard for the rules could result in expulsion from the event.


Drones are not permitted at the track.


In the morning, after signing in, DE participants and volunteers can enjoy some coffee or juice. Chez Summit will offer pastries and breakfast sandwiches for sale.  Chez Summit will be open 8:00 am – 2:00 pm and will serve breakfast and lunch.


Each person attending a DE is responsible for any damage they cause to the track, and maintenance or clean-up costs resulting from a track or paddock incident.  All tracks typically charge for repairs to Armco, track surface, facilities, etc., and also charge by the bag for oil-dry. If you are liable for payment we will advise you as soon as possible.  If Potomac ends up paying for the damage, we will invoice you for the damages.  Please properly dispose of all fluids in the provided containers and please take old tires, rotors, and other used parts with you when you leave.


All Summit Point tracks have a sound level limit of 103dB measured 50 feet from the centerline of the track. Measurement is made on the A weighting scale, slow response. 

DE Chairs
Track Coordinator
Potomac, The Founder’s Region





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